As some of you may have noticed, I have made a few additions to my site. The ones of note are the Mike Bennett page - giving you a short bio of the author and a short list of his works.
Also I have added a page called Die Chronik von Elum. This is about a friends new website dedicated to his pen and paper RPG.
The reason for these additions is quite simple, I have and im in the process of creating artwork for them both
You will notice to the left of this page under the link banners, a small adchoices banner, I would greatly appreciate it if you all click on it as it will help provide funding for future updates to this site as I shall soon be moving to a private domain which isn't cheap, and after all, its not much to ask as I provide images for your viewing pleasure for free. The good news is, clicking the link cost you nothing at all so I thank you all in advance. Just to be random, I would also like to say HPZF8YUYSK68